First time in the world! 100 leaders of Indonesian mining companies, together write and share their life success stories with the public through the book 100 Indonesian Mining Children (100 ATI).
These stories were published as a 712-page book by Allsysmedia and launched on 17 August 2021 during the commemoration of the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.
The background of the publication of this book is the concerns of the writers and editors regarding the crisis that befell the Indonesian nation due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, where almost all sectors of life are weakened, the spirit of national unity and integrity is fading, including the fighting spirit and mutual cooperation which are the characteristics of the Indonesian nation.
Rekor MURI buku 100 ATI
Won 2 Records
Indonesian-World Record Museum (MURI)
This 100 ATI book was only written in 100 days during the pandemic. Two weeks before launch 17,845 copies have been sold through the Pre Order (PO) system. This book contains a SECRET MAP as well as a MANTRA how to become a successful person working in the mining sector. At the time of its launch on August 17, 2021, this powerful book won 2 MURI records at once!
Your Book of Social & Financial Investments!
Buying this book is an INVESTMENT. You will be at a loss if you don't have this book and don't tell your close friend, boss, best friend, boyfriend or even your in-laws about the ATI 100 book.
This book is a THE BOOK OF SUCCESS that you must read if you want to be a leader, especially if you want to work or do business in the mining sector!
The book of success stories of 100 leaders of Indonesian mining companies is wrapped in various dramas and events of humanity, struggle, nationalism, solidarity, love, and emotional ups and downs. Reading this book, you are like reading an adventure novel in the mining world!
Who is the Author
100 ATI book?
Jeffrey Mulyono, Suryo Eko Hadianto, Edi Permadi, Arief Wiedhartono, Ahmad Kharis, Wahyu Sunyoto, Dwi Hartanto, Slamet Haryadi, Priyadi, Franciscus Xaverius Laksana Kesuma, Indra Damen Kanoena, Joko Triraharjo, Totok Setiawan, Hendro Wasano, Retno Nartani, Raden Utoro , Benny Pahala Hutahaean, Yuhendri Wisra, Widya Habsara M, Adetya Bayu Nasution, Adi Risfandi, Agung Budiarto, Rapinis Mutiara, Gustaf Sera, H. Agus Wiramsya Oscar, Handy Sastradi, Herman Andries Kalangi, Dwi Pudjiarso, Zulkifli Lambali, H. Deddy Sugiharto, Imam Subagyo, Edi Iskandar, Henrico Sjambastian Singal, Harun Mujakar, Mahmudi, Aris Subagyo, Hari Ananto, Bayu Setyawan, Lambas M. Tobing, Rusdi Husin, Made Yatna, I Dewa BS. Wirantaya, Tria Suprajeni, Arrie Herdianto, Younsel Evand Roos, Anton Sujarwo, Ari Sutrisno, Rahmad Zahri, Hartono, Hari Sutikno,
Yusuf Ahmad, I Gede Widiada, Agus Superiadi, Feri Indrayana, RM. Yonas Salya, Tejo Prihantoro, Eddy Suprianto, Tarub Arinto Pramudyo, Dani Wirahandoko, Gunawan, R. Teguh Sapto Subroto, H. Sriyadi, Yuris Syiarudin, Dwi Nuryanto, Achadi, Henry Achmad, Iswan Sujarwo, Nyoman Adi Arsana, Bambang Agung, Rochman Alamsjah, Erwin Tampubolon, Jamri Langoy, Wudi Raharjo, Iwan Kurniawan, Tonny Hasudungan Gultom, Ade Kurdiman, Agung Sarono, Rahmat Lubis, Boorliant Satryana Wisnu, M.Sc., Eka Sumarna, Wahyu Sulistiyo, Dicky Dirmansyah, Stevi Sandra, Wahyudin, Deiv Ronny Logor, Gatot Budi Kuncahyo, Suhernomo, Ismed Gazali Siregar, Amiruddin Hasyim, Mohamad Azhari, Andre Herman Bramantya Putra, Ignatius Wurwanto, Riadi Simka Pinem, Suhartono, Suhedi, H. Halim, Budiawansyah, Carl Roger Tauran, Adri Thanada, Rischa Lavinia.
The 100 authors of this book are qualified people, leaders as well as survivors who have succeeded and managed to escape from multiple crises, struggling from zero to becoming directors, namely direct actors in the history of mining in Indonesia, especially the Minerba mining sub-sector. 100 miners wrote,
1000 SECRETS OF SUCCESS revealed in this book!
This book was born with the spirit of the proclamation of Indonesian independence, when all the children of the nation were struggling to free themselves from the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Who is the ATI BOOK 100 Editor Team?
Alwahono (Director of APKPI), Alexander Mering (Journalist Cum Sastrawan-Alumni of Lemhannas RI), Nur Iskandar (Author of Biography of Deputy Chief of Police Yusuf Manggabarani), Eko Gunarto (Retired Ministry of ESDM RI)